Monday, October 12, 2009
11:04 PM
Sorry for neglecting my blog. Been busy with work and other things. Hari Raya makes it more hard for me to update. The truth is im just plain lazy to type and update my blog. Alot of events happen. Held a class bbq on the 5th, got a new job being a Mac rider and i quit Cheers. Is that alot? okay..No. Love my new job. Quite tiring if there is a lot of order but can be quite boring when there is no order at all. Hard to blend in with other riders as their attitude and my attitude is way different. 2nd day had to work for 13 hours from 3pm to 4am. Keep sending order to woodlands and sembawang. And i hate going up and down HDB flats. Condos worst. There were no eerie feelings or shiver down my spine kind of thing when i send order throughout the night. Its all about the mindset. Hahahhaha. School started today and it was fun to be in the class again. 3 have dropped out of school. ITE getting lame. We must wear lanyard with our EZ-Link card to school every single day and i don't know for what reason. Maybe they want they whole school to know each other names. K peoples. I think thats all that im updating. Maybe in a month time i will update again. Or maybe sooner. Im not sure either. Okay peoples good night and take care
Thursday, September 03, 2009
9:57 PM
Exams in just 4 days. Tomorrow having accounting exams but im studying my heads off for BE instead cause i just don't like to stress out with mock test. I treat mock test just like a normal class work. Not to act but exams are more important than mock test. So went to study just now with classmates at MacD and i ended up eating instead of fasting. hahahah. So poor awin had to endure the food and being the devil me i persuade her to break fast earlier but was turned down. hahahah. Sorry awin. So studied BE and the rest was stressed out with accounting. Taught awin the wrong thing and her mood was down to do anymore accounting. So hopefully i can remember how to do accounting and not panic tomorrow and teacher is hoping for me to get A for her subject. Goodluck peeps. I better study now and i realised that my post is getting shorter and shorter. The reason is im just pure lazy to update as im busy with schooling and work and exams. So pray for me hard that i will pass or i will change my job. What the heck??!? okay guys. Good nights pretty baby
Thursday, August 27, 2009
4:37 PM
RAMADHANFirst few days of fasting really tested my patience. Customer was being too fussy with their things that they wanted to bought. They will buy it only if it was on offer and if it is too expensive they doesn't want it and i have to void it. I had a total of 7 voids on that day. Some were asking ridiculous questions about some items which they can easily find. Terence accompany me throughout my working time. Called Awin and lie to her that i was involved in accident and she believed it. Currently in macdonald studying for OA test with Terence, Awin, Fazlin for tomorrow but im updating my blog instead. I won't be saying anything else and need to study now. Goodbye bitch
Thursday, August 20, 2009
9:45 PM
WAIVEThats the word for today. Waive. Hopefully my saman can be waive wif the help of the MP. Waiting for her was seriously long and there were a lot of people and i hate waiting. So waited and finally got in. Bullshit here and there and they help send a letter to the traffic police department and i have to wait for the reply and hopefully i will get a positive answer. If not im going to kill myself. hahahaha. Long time since i last update and i dont really have much to type. School have been such a bitch and BE is getting worse. I dont even bother to take out the book and all i do is keep talking and making Fazlin laugh. hahahahha. I was told by Yinru that exams is just two weeks away and i actually thought i have another one month. Tuesday is mock test and im seriously not ready for it. I guess i shall say goodbye to polytechnics. hahahahahah. okayyy, i seriously has nothing else to say so goodnite bitches
Saturday, July 25, 2009
8:40 PM
SLEEPYReally tired and sleepy from work. Yesterday and today having night shift. Yesterday im done with my work around 4am. That is bloody slow. And by 3am my eyes were damn heavy and i almost knocked off while having my smokes. Hopefully today going to be a bit better coz i slept for 11 straight hours with no one disturbing. Yesterday was also a good day for me. Started with Awin telling Mr Sim that she wanted to sing birthday song for me and so the whole class knows that it was my birthday. So after lesson the whole class sang and then Mr Sim told me to close my eyes and make a wish. So i go ahead and then a bar of chocolate drop on my head. It was a gift from papa Sim which he had gone down to take earlier. Thank you so much. The day got better when we were told that OA was cancelled. Awin and Terence kept having secret meeting which made me feel left out. They were busy messaging and talking. After school, went home and changed and off to meet Awin and Terence at Burger King. Original plan was to go to bottle tree park but it was cloudy. When i reach there both of them was still doing the same thing that they did in school. Talking secretly and showing each other messages. While i was eating, Awin went off saying that she wanted to make a call. I keep on asking terence to go out and have a smoke with me but he will carry on saying wait but at last he went out with me. A while later Awin, Weijie, Shahril and Deva came with a cake. They sang and i was really shocked that i couldn't say anything except for thank you. The whole bk was noisy with our singing and clapping from other people. Im really really realllly surprise with what they had done. Both Terence and Awin have been planning this with the rest since im not sure when. Its a pity that Fazlin could not join us. Get well soon. Well guys, im going to remember yesterday. It will always be in my memories. Thanks for making my wish come true. I appreciate it alot. I really don't know what to say but a big whole lots of thanks to you guys. And also to those who wish me through phones and smses. Thank you very much. And Happy belated one day Birthday to those who have the same birthdate with me. To
Papa Sim, Awin, Terence, Fazlin, Weijie, Shahril, Deva, a reallyyy bbbbiiiigggg
Sunday, July 12, 2009
12:33 AM
7 DAYS MEDICAL LEAVEI went to the polyclinic on friday to check on my coughing and sneezing and fever and i got 7 days mc. It means no school, no work, no money, no going out, no meeting of friends, no riding. Shit face la. Im going be a rotten pig at home without doing anything.
"wats wrong with you?"
"erm, i have cough, flu, sore throat, headache and yesterday my temperature was 38.3"
"oh my might have h1n1 as the you have strong symptoms related to it"
"no la doctor. its normal la"
Fuck. If i were having it i would pass it to you rather than keeping it to myself you bloody bastard doctor and you caused me 7 days of work, school and money.
"be a good Singaporean and stay at home okay"
Im being a good Singaporean and not being a paranoid or kiasu Singaporean by going to the doctor just by having a slight fever, cough or flu. I was having phlegm and fever but i know thats what happen to me everytime. By the third day i will be alright. And im alright and kicking balls and riding my chombi u bitch doctor. Btw i was forced to go to poly by my mum. And you bloody Singaporeans, why be so stupid and believe that you have the h1n1 symptoms but just a slight one because you should know yourself how you feel. And to those who support Michael Jackson after he died go and fuck yourself. You are not worthy to be call fans. Just because he died you all claim you are his fan and go on keep listening to his songs but when he was alive did you ever listen to his songs or supported him when he was called names? Did you even know that he still exist? No you bitches so don't act as if you are his greatest supporter. And im freaking fed up when they put his coffin in the middle and they still can sing and clap in happiness right in front of his coffin at his memorial. Where is your respect to the dead furthermore he is the King of Pop. And you kept the body for days. Fuck you all. I think i need to sleep now. Need some rest and im pespiring while typing this entry. RIP MJ and fuck those who pretend to support you. And im sorry for the vulgarities use but this is my blog, my say so FUCK you
Thursday, July 02, 2009
11:46 PM

Just came back from Transformer 2:Revenge of the Fallen. Watch it with my nephew and i got to say the show was really awesome. This are the three characters that i really admire and got me awe while watching the show. But i feel the twins should be given more actions as i couldn't figure out whether they are dead or not. But overall they are the best and they are hilarious. Optimus Prime never fail to give surprises during the last fight. He was really awesome. And for the decepticon animal, man it really make my heart melted. hahaha. But the twins really attracted me the most. Had a really long day. In the morning went to school to finish up our projects and the usual me, always the last one to arrive as i wake up late and thanks shahril for helping us video. Then off to BK and study with the usual bunch of aliens and then jamming. So i think i should be resting now. Tomorrow another day of studying and work. Next monday starting school and seriously im not ready to sit for the tests. Nights people and watch the movie. I would waste my money just to watch it again and see the adorable twins. My rate would be 10/5. Thats really awesome. Well im off to my bed now. See ya peoples